If you breathe, you need salt therapy!

Our Salt Lounge is a secluded getaway welcoming people from all ages for a whole-body wellness experience. You will enter a sanctuary bathed in thousands of shades of pink emanating from the coveted Himalayan Salt. Tread gently across the crushed salt floor and settle into a comfortable lounge chair, lean back, relax and breathe. The lounge air is saturated in the purest form of salt found on the planet and is infused with dozens of minerals your lungs and skin eagerly absorb. Aiding in numerous ailments, the salt helps your body detoxify itself of impurities and toxins.

Maintaining respiratory health, strengthening immunity, enhancing health and wellness, and self-care routines are on everyone’s minds these days more than ever before.

Salt therapy, otherwise known, as Halotherapy has been embraced for its healing properties all over the world, and is becoming more and more common in the U.S. Halo is the Greek word for salt, so simply put, it’s Salt-Therapy. It all started in the 1800’s in Eastern Europe, thanks to the salt miners who noticed they weren’t experiencing the respiratory illnesses the coal miners were plagued with. The doctors couldn’t help but to notice that the salt miners had pristine lungs and no health complaints. This started the research into the special effects the salt had on the body and it’s been growing ever since. Salt therapy is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial – 100% natural, drug-free, safe, effective, and increasingly popular for today’s wellness enthusiasts. We might not work in caves, but we breathe high amounts of pollutants, toxins, smog, dust and bacteria every day.

Today’s salt caves are a holistic approach that recreates the microclimate, atmosphere, and conditions of those early, real Himalayan salt caves. Modern day technology has made salt therapy much more adaptable so that spa’s and wellness facilities could use it for its healing properties in a controlled environment. Our salt caves enjoy a much higher concentration than what naturally occurs making it the fastest growing service in the spa industry.

How do we replicate the environment of those antiviral and antibacterial salt caves? We do it with a machine called a halogenerator which grinds the salt into microscopic particles the size of 1-5 micrometers, with most pieces 30 times finer than human hair, to produce a dry salt aerosol which is dispersed into the air of the salt room. As you lay back and inhale the salty air, the fine salt aerosol particles travel to the deepest part of the lungs, respiratory tract, and are absorbed deep into the skin.

As those salt particles enter the lungs and respiratory system, it absorbs and removes allergens, dissolves bacteria, toxins and pollutants to open and expand airways passages to make breathing easier, clearer, and deeper. For skin, salt kills toxins on the surface level while reducing inflammation to decrease the swelling at deeper levels to help with acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other conditions.

Disclaimer: the information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Ascend Spa LLC is not liable for risk or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

FDA Disclaimer: while there are many clinical and scientific studies conducted on dry salt therapy (halotherapy) throughout the world, the FDA has not evaluated the statements made throughout this website. Dry salt therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.